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Table 4 Illustrative quotes from interviews

From: Introduction of a formative assessment tool in a post-graduate training program in India: a mixed methods evaluation


Number of related comments (% of total comments within theme)

Representative comments



- Increased clinical knowledge

26 (41%)

“And for the studying point of view, I go about it case-based, like if I have seen a case of stroke today then I might go home and try to recall what did I do, what all should be done. “

- To be a good physician

15 (24%)

“Basically to learn and to read and it is not for clearing the exams it is to help myself get better in it and in clinical practice cause in a way it will help me in the long run.”

- Self-directed learning

12 (19%)

“When we go wrong we can go through the explanations so we learn and I think learning at the end of the day is more important than just the exam.”

Benefits of the formative assessment tool


- Relationship to clinical practice

33 (24%)

The FA tool “has helped me in this transition from memorization-based study to practical application-based study.”

- Thorough explanation of answer choices

31 (22%)

“At the end of the day even if you are wrong, you learn something from it.”

- Style of information that is presented

22 (16%)

“So the main thing is explanation with picture, video and sounds. And also examinations including videos.”

Disadvantages of the formative assessment tool


- Unrelated topics to practicing in India

20 (30%)

“Most of the tests that have been mentioned in the *FA tool* or in the text are usually not available or they take time. For example, the most common test that we usually see or read is D-dimer, but the results of D-dimer are usually available after three days for us and that does not remain for clinical significance…even if we send them it usually takes 3 or 4 days for that and patients cannot wait for that.”

- Some topics being less covered than others

20 (30%)

“More tropical diseases. More region specific. We have one subject called community medicine in our undergrad, so if *the FA tool* could have something like that. Because that actually brings up the entire community picture of our country, the major things that we face, so that will help.”

Definitions of success


- Passing exams

16 (39%)

“Success for me is not percentage, it is for me that I have faced the questions myself.”

“The score does matter in a way but not so much because at the end of it you still get an explanation and you still learn something new.”

- Application to clinical practice

13 (32%)

“If I have a sick patient which I wasn’t able to handle before if I was able to handle it after reading the *FA tool* because I remember something from there.”